Tuesday, January 10, 2017

But I Don’t Do New Year’s Resolutions!

Today’s the day! It’s the first day of the rest of your life! Things don’t change unless you do!

And all that lovely, inspiring, gag me stuff.

I hate new year’s resolutions. The idea that life is suddenly going to become different because it’s the new year drives me up the wall. I’m all for self improvement, working on you, and striving for better. But do we all have to decide it needs to happen on January 1? I firmly believe self improvement should be a year round process and should happen as you discover that it needs to happen, not on a designated day, once a year.

That being said, I feel like I haven’t done a whole lot to work on me lately. Probably because I have a 4 month old who thinks he was born to be attached to my hip. Gosh I love the little leech, but it makes it awful hard to do anything outside the necessary cooking, cleaning, and….nope, that’s about all I get done. But if you don’t know what direction you’re headed, you’re bound to go nowhere fast! So I wanted to do some goal setting.

SO- in lieu of the continuous improvement I would like to seek (and will still aim for), I have a New Year’s list- a list of things I would like to accomplish this year. Because let’s be honest, everything takes longer and more motivation when you have a giggly (sometimes), grouchy (sometimes), little guy who thinks he needs to learn to crawl as soon as possible.

It’s a list of some small things, some big things that I want to accomplish this year so I can continue to seek improvement at a pace I can actually achieve in this season of life. But my number one goal is to continue to enjoy and soak up every moment I get to spend with my handsome husband and ornery little boy.

My 2017 List- in no order of importance or due date

  • Make jerky with our new dehydrator (Thanks Mark & Danielle!)
  • Make progress on my t-shirt quilt
  • Clean out closets and donate to Salvation Army
  • Find a weekly workout routine to start (This one I am not even going to think about until JL is sleeping through at least half the night.)
Sleep by myself? No way!
  • Start monthly meal planning
  • Finish the first Game of Thrones book
  • Hang up more of our decor around the house
  • Put up our new TV antenna (Thanks Leroy & Julie!)
  • Make my first leather project (coasters don’t count)
  • Put together JL’s baby book
  • Breed Dezi (provided mother nature cooperates) (I seriously CAN NOT WAIT for little aussie pups!!)
  • Start a vegetable garden
  • Can at least two things from our garden
  • Make a paracord water bottle carrier- it’s been on my pinterest craft board forever and would take about 10 minutes, I just never sit down and do it!
  • Read my jewelry making book (again, Thanks Leroy & Julie)
  • Set aside time to practice roping on the dummy
  • Get back on a horse (it’s been a year and a half thanks to living in town while we were in Great Bend and having JL)
  • Make homemade laundry soap and softener
  • Snowball our payments to pay off some of our loans #DaveRamsey
  • Baby proof the house- as needed when the little guy becomes mobile

Lance and I have a lot of other goals for this year for our house and property. But I didn’t want to get too ahead of myself!
I would love to hear what’s on your list for this year! (even if it is a new year’s resolution, because let’s be honest, you gotta do you, however you can get it done!)

Boredom Bonus: count the number of parentheses I used in this post. #excessive #cantstopwontstop