Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Pure Imagination- Chipotle's Scarecrow

One thing we can all agree on: Chipotle’s latest ad, “The Scarecrow” is depressing. 

Kudos to their amazing marketing company- you achieved your purpose, using purely imagination to sway choices outside the realm of fact. 

In this video we see a factory worker getting brief glimpses behind the curtain.  He sees chickens tripling in size after an injection and dairy cows trapped in boxes being milked nonstop.  Each task is completed by red-eyed robots, hidden from the public.  At every turn he is confronted by a crow (generally used to signify deceit or death.) But wait! There is hope- the scarecrow sees a pepper growing on a real live plant!  He is inspired and prepares vegetables into a burrito, which he sells from an alley in the city.

To me this video is sad because it will captivate millions of people into believing flat out lies, created through pure imagination.  Facts that disagree with many ideas suggested in this video:

1.      Dairy cows are milked 2-3 times per day because they MUST be.  If they are not, they will be in pain.  Just ask the breastfeeding mother of any newborn what it feels like when their baby doesn’t want to eat- not good. 
2.     Chickens are bigger than they used to be due to more efficient diets and improved genetics.  These genetics are obtained through practices as old as Mendel’s peas (if you recall jr. high biology.)  Just as a child fed nutritional food grows better than one fed candy and empty sugars, so does a chicken. No chicken you ever eat will have been injected by antibiotics or hormones.
 Improvement in diet have resulted in dramatic improvements in growth
Source: J. Sell, Iowa State University (See more information at http://www.epa.gov/agriculture/ag101/printpoultry.html)
3.     Pesticide use has decreased since the introduction of biotech crops.  Biotech crops have been bred to be more resistant to problems chemicals would otherwise be used to control.
4.     98% of farms are owned by families who use technology in order to get their job done safely, efficiently, and to provide the safest food supply in the world.
5.     Economically, one person showing up with a truck bed full of vegetables to sell one burrito out of an alley cannot make a living to support himself, let alone a family.  If he is, the little boy buying the burrito better have really deep pockets.

Is agriculture really hidden?  For those that want to be informed, the information is readily available.  Check out Tyson’s website which details specifics on how their food is produced.  http://www.tysonfoods.com/Our-Story/The-Making-of-a-Meal.aspx . They are not alone in publishing their practices. 

Yes, agriculture today is automated.  But is that bad?  There is an idea that agriculture should just be “like the good old days.”  In a world that has evolved so drastically, do we really expect producers to isolate themselves from the benefits of technology?  How would you feel if someone said you couldn’t use the copy machine at work anymore because it “wasn’t like the good old days” when we wrote everything by hand?   

This video was created to play on people’s emotions.
If you want facts, watch a video that was created to inform such as this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCmWQcyAN5U, not one meant to sell you something.

The song used in the video,  “Pure Imagination” with an added somber twist, is an interesting choice.  This song came from the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and was probably selected due to its haunting melody and association with a “factory.”  
Personally, I remember the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and specifically this song as inspiring, not devastating.  It is a song about ingenuity and creating a world of prosperity.  (It is played during the part of the movie when they first see the candy room where everything is edible.) 
This is a perfect song to depict today’s agriculture- exciting and inspiring and full of wonder.  Production has increased 360% since 1950.  That takes creativity, ingenuity, and inspired people working hard for a purpose they believe in: feeding the world.  

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