Friday, May 13, 2016

Where Does It Start & Where Does It End?!

Life at best is a mess these days! Just a few things we have going on?

  • Getting hitched- I tied the knot with the most amazing man I have ever met. It was cold. It was windy. We were thankful for the friends and family who joined us to celebrate and showered us with love on such a happy day for us.
  • And now we're expecting- August will be bringing us a baby Wright. As I enjoy telling people who ask what it is, we don't know, but are hoping for a baby, not puppies. I have been so grateful for an incredibly easy pregnancy thus far and am hoping the heat isn't too unbearable this summer.

  • We've been through a few jobs- Lance has opted to take his leave from the feedlot gig and return to landscaping and day working for local farmers/ranchers. I have been through a whirlwind of job searching and trying to find the right fit. I spent a few short months working at Barton Community College as an administrative assistant, enjoying the flexible summer hours which allowed me to tag along to Lance's ranch rodeos and check wedding planning things off my list. In the fall, I found a position as a communications specialist at Clara Barton Hospital where I got to really pursue my passions for writing and learning, writing newsletters and press releases, managing their social media accounts, and designing flyers and logos for their events. I loved the chance to get more experience in this area and having the freedom to be creative! Now, I am just learning the ropes at my newest job at the KSU Vet Diagnostic Lab and researching the best ways to continue to get closer to my dream job or ways to pursue my passions outside of 8-5.
    Always enjoy watching a ranch rodeo- especially when my hubby is in it! Photo credit to Hall Photography
  • If you can't tell from our job changes- we moved! Lance and I are now happy residents of the rural Leondardville area and are looking forward to making our house and 20 acres home. We've made a little dent in the short three weeks since closing- ripping out carpet, sanding & staining the wood floors underneath, tin repairs to outbuildings, spraying the obnoxious weed population, and planting our first tree. And or course the dreaded task of getting everything put away and organized. I have been lucky enough to have some supper from Nelson's Landing twice so far and can definitively say the chicken fried steak is armed and dangerous for those attempting to avoid weight gain.
With all these changes happening in just an 8 month time frame, you could say it's been a bit of a whirlwind and has left me feeling a lack of direction. This led to a conversation with a friend I have a lot of respect for and who has allowed me to pester her for advice- Brandi Buzzard. (You can check out her blog for some great insight on agriculture topics as well as a glimpse of her experience in married and rural life.) 

One of the outcomes of that conversation has been to invest time in exploring exactly what my goals are for my career and setting achievable steps to reach those goals. Now that I no longer work as a communications specialist, my creative writing outlet has vanished, which brought me to realize I want to continue to develop my skills as a writer. Returning to this blog as an outlet is my solution (hopefully) to keep me on track with this goal, as well as get me back in the habit of staying up to date with friends and current events . I hope you will help keep me accountable and provide your own input in these conversations :) Deciding what to write about has been a constant source of confusion for me on this blog (which is why I often don't update it), so I am going to utilize one of my favorite life strategies and just go with the flow. If it's on my mind or is something I have been noticing/discussing with others a lot lately, then that's what I will write about.

Until further notice...



  1. Lex, loved reading this! So fun to hear about where life is taking you - looks like you're enjoying the ride, which is the most important thing :)

    Keep up the great writing!

    1. Thanks for reading Kassie! Hope to get filled in on what's new with you soon :)
