Saturday, June 11, 2016

Things People Say To You When You're Pregnant

Maybe it's the putting on a large amount of weight in one centralized part of your body. Maybe its the fact that people know there's a little critter growing in there. Whatever the reason, I have never had so many spur of the moment conversations with strangers as I have being pregnant.  So without further adieu- The most random things people say when you're pregnant:

1. "When's it due?"- This question comes with no preface. It is highly entertaining to pretend you don't know what they are talking about and watch their expression go from curious to horrified...not that I do that for some sort of sick entertainment...

2. "What is it?"- Answering this one with "a baby" is generally not an acceptable answer. But saying "it's a surprise" brings a mixture of responses: either immense satisfaction from the older generation who reply "Oh it's so much better that way. Everyone thinks they need to find out these days. When I had kids...."(cue reminiscent diatribe here). And from the younger generation: "Oh my gosh how can you stand not knowing!?" 

3. "You need to buy...(insert baby gadget)." Being a knowledge collector with input as a strength, I actually enjoy these conversations. Because I am sure there will be a time at midnight in the future when I will be incredibly grateful to know what gizmo will make my baby sleep/stop crying/eat/burp/poop.

4. "You look like you're about to pop." Thanks. I have 10 weeks left, so it's safe to say I will probably look like a cow from now until August. 

5. "Oh it's going to be a long summer." Yes. Yes it is. Considering I already have been getting night sweats and we have only had one 90 degree day so far. What's your vote- will I be judged if I buy a baby pool to sit in the back yard in? 

6. "How are you feeling?" Frumpy. Thanks for your concern :) But seriously I am very grateful to have had no major symptoms so far.

7. The name question. Yes, we are fairly confident our baby will have a name.

8. "Is this your first?" Why no, no this is not the first brownie I have eaten this afternoon. But no, I also was not planning on sharing. meant the baby...

9. "When I was in labor/ When my cousin's girlfriend's brother's aunt was in labor....(insert horrifying thing that happens to your body, upsetting reaction of your husband, or other postpartum hormone trip)" I'm all for being prepared for any situation, but dear Lord, I could have done without those anxiety trips for the next two months.

10. "You know it's a ____ if...."
                 - Boy: you grow lots of hair during pregnancy. PREDICTION: BOY
                 - Boy: your stomach is shaped like a basketball. PREDICTION: BOY
                 - Girl: your stomach is shaped like a watermelon. PREDICTION: BOY
                 - Girl: you gain weight everywhere, not just in your stomach. PREDICTION:                         GIRL
                 - Girl: you have lots of heartburn and morning sickness. PREDICTION: BOY
                 - Girl: it has a higher heart rate. PREDICTION: GIRL
                 - Girl: you crave sweets. PREDICTION: GIRL
                 - Boy: you prefer laying on your left side. PREDICTION: GIRL
                 - Boy: you feel like you just know it's a boy. PREDICTION: I HAVE NO CLUE
So based on all of this data, I would conclude there is a 100% chance we are having a baby. 

But really, I enjoy all the strangers I have met thanks to my belly being huge. People should start random conversations more often. The world would be a friendlier place. 

So let's hear them- what wives tale/advice/story do you have to share? 

And here is a bump picture for those of you who crave them/want to make your own gender prediction. 


Oh and for your entertainment, a few pregnancy themed memes.

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