Tuesday, June 25, 2013

So there’s that…

                                                        Word to the Wise:                                                        For all those headed to the gym to work off those Thanksgiving pounds, be sure your ipod has a playlist with only music you like on it.  

Because when you pull said Ipod out of your pocket to flip past a song that was not to your liking, you will probably fling the Ipod across the gym-goer-crowded room under someone else’s machine.  In mortification you will try to jump off your elliptical to retrieve your ipod, end up falling and getting rug burn on your knee.  And explaining that you got rug burn while on an elliptical is just difficult to justify.  This just goes to prove that no one should use ellipticals because they make you look like a gazelle, and no one wants to look silly while working out.  That’s why people do Zumba.  But I did spend a total of twenty minutes at the gym….so there’s that.

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