Tuesday, June 25, 2013

What To Do Instead of Finishing Your Online Accounting

Things you should do instead of finishing your online accounting class

1.  Sew a plethora of scarves.
2.  Take apart and resew 2 of your favorite shirts that were too big so that they fit. Be sure to include your mother on these so she can be annoyed by your lack of sewing expertise.
3.  Make crayon art.
Other methods include:
            Making friendship bracelets, embroidering pillowcases, spending copious      amounts of time on pinterest,  organize your closet, beat your score on                      Temple Run, and read at least 4 books.
Bonus: Make at least 23 different lists of things you are never actually                                                going to do.
Only after completing each of these tasks should you use the 2 remaining days of winter break to cram in 5 quizzes, 7 tests, and 5 homework assignments.  
That’s a nice sense of purpose you have there.  It would be a shame if something happened to it.

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